Diablo III (a.k.a Blizzard succeeds in destroying my life)

Thursday, July 3, 2008 ·

Sorry folks, this one just snuck up on me. This past Saturday, I was parusing one of my regular video gaming sites www.joystiq.com, when I came across a Starcraft II story. I am eagerly awaiting it's arrival, so any news is good for me. What I wasn't expecting was any reference to Diablo III. Well, there it was in the first sentence "Amid all the hype for Diablo 3..." My brain froze. So obviously, I started to look up the news and a sublime feeling came over me, one part unadulterated geek glee and another part sheer terror. It quickly dawned on me that Blizzard had just launched another salvo that would destroy whatever free time I had left in my life.

Diablo III, in my opinion is Blizzard's final piece in what I like to call its Unholy Triumvirate. I am not talking about the Diablo trilogy, no no. I am talking about WOW - Wrath of the Lich King, Starcraft II and now Diablo III. It is Blizzard's quest to destroy the foundations of my life.

First off, they are going to release Lich King sometime in November of this year. That alone should be enough. But nooooooo! The rumors are that Starcraft II will be released in December of this year. On top of that they now announce Diablo III (release date TBD). This is too much to handle something has got to give.

When was the last time Blizzard had this many releases lined up? I guess EA purchasing them was a great thing. Just barrage us with all this video gaming goodness. Beat us to a quivering pulp and make us beg for more.

A coworker of mine asked me how we feel about Diablo III.

My response - like a toothless crackwhore waiting for her next hit.

In short - I'm f*cked.
